A large metal fabricator for the automotive industry and for BMW in South Carolina was faced with two issues: a growing concern over the health of their employees and the potential for OSHA air quality violations and the overall presentation of their facility to customers or potential customers during visits to their facilities. Most of the concerns came from the large quantities of smoke and fumes being produced from five new robotic welders.
Air Purification Inc. developed a proposal to eliminate the weld smoke/fumes from the facility. The key to solving the customer’s issues was determined to include a design of source capture hoods, each with containment curtain, to be integrated with one Micro Air MC-3000 overhead cartridge dust collector per cell. The systems were designed with proper air-to-cloth ratio, or amount of media provide per CFM.
Air Purification and Micro Air were selected as the suppliers of choice because of the quiet and powerful Roto-Pulse® filter cleaning system, a performance guarantee and ability to provide a turnkey installation.
After the equipment was installed, the customer was extremely happy not only with the long filter life and removal of smoke, but also because of the low sound levels as each collector was installed with a 5HP motor/blower in the midst of several work cells. The overhead MC-3000 collectors provide a most cost-effective solution, with maximum flexibility for future relocation, while not taking up valuable real estate on the production floor.